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當前位置:首頁(yè)  >  新聞中心  >  ABM PCR reagents 價(jià)格更新

ABM PCR reagents 價(jià)格更新

更新時(shí)間:2024-03-07      點(diǎn)擊次數:120

Applied Biological Materials ( abm ) Inc. 成立于 2004 年,十多年來(lái)一直致力于推動(dòng)生命科學(xué)和藥物開(kāi)發(fā)領(lǐng)域的科學(xué)發(fā)現??偛课挥诩幽么鬁馗缛A,abm 致力于為科學(xué)界提供生命科學(xué)研究和藥物開(kāi)發(fā)的最新創(chuàng )新。

ABM PCR reagentsG008Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)3853.8
ABM PCR reagentsG009Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)1717.56
ABM PCR reagentsG010dNTP Mix1260
ABM PCR reagentsG011HotStart DNA Polymerase (PCR)1623.24
ABM PCR reagentsG012Taq Plus DNA Polymerase (PCR)1466.1
ABM PCR reagentsG0132X PCR Taq MasterMix1706.58
ABM PCR reagentsG013-dye2X PCR Taq MasterMix with dye1476
ABM PCR reagentsG0142X PCR Taq Plus MasterMix2073.6
ABM PCR reagentsG014-dye2X PCR Taq Plus MasterMix with dye2060.28
ABM PCR reagentsG039HotStart DNA Polymerase (PCR)2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG040Taq Plus DNA Polymerase (PCR)2073.6
ABM PCR reagentsG050dNTP Set1854
ABM PCR reagentsG065PCR-Sure Kit2476.62
ABM PCR reagentsG065-1Individual Reaction Mix 12718
ABM PCR reagentsG065-10Individual Reaction Mix 103162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG065-11Individual Reaction Mix 113162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG065-12Individual Reaction Mix 122718
ABM PCR reagentsG065-2Individual Reaction Mix 22718
ABM PCR reagentsG065-3Individual Reaction Mix 32718
ABM PCR reagentsG065-4Individual Reaction Mix 43162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG065-5Individual Reaction Mix 53162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG065-6Individual Reaction Mix 62718
ABM PCR reagentsG065-7Individual Reaction Mix 73162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG065-8Individual Reaction Mix 83162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG065-9Individual Reaction Mix 92718
ABM PCR reagentsG065-XIndividual Reaction Mix3162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG078Precision DNA Polymerase (PCR)1854
ABM PCR reagentsG108SafeView Classic1424.16
ABM PCR reagentsG108-GSafe-Green1415.16
ABM PCR reagentsG108-PSafe-Pack2010.78
ABM PCR reagentsG108-RSafe-Red1415.16
ABM PCR reagentsG108-WSafe-White1424.16
ABM PCR reagentsG1242X PCR Precision MasterMix3078.9
ABM PCR reagentsG124-dye2X PCR Precision MasterMix with dye3078.9
ABM PCR reagentsG126Taq DNA Polymerase (PCR)4914
ABM PCR reagentsG128dNTP Mix1404
ABM PCR reagentsG129dNTP Mix1710
ABM PCR reagentsG174One-Step RT-PCR Kit4356.54
ABM PCR reagentsG174-dyeOne-Step RT-PCR Kit with dye3744
ABM PCR reagentsG177EasyScript Plus Reverse Transcriptase (PCR)1332
ABM PCR reagentsG231EasyScript Reverse Transcriptase (PCR)1332
ABM PCR reagentsG232EasyScript Reverse Transcriptase (PCR)2031.66
ABM PCR reagentsG233EasyScript cDNA Synthesis Kit1759.32
ABM PCR reagentsG234EasyScript cDNA Synthesis Kit2304
ABM PCR reagentsG235EasyScript Plus cDNA Synthesis Kit1906.02
ABM PCR reagentsG236EasyScript Plus cDNA Synthesis Kit2718
ABM PCR reagentsG237EasyScript Plus Reverse Transcriptase (PCR)2743.74
ABM PCR reagentsG269miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit2214
ABM PCR reagentsG270miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit4698
ABM PCR reagentsG902miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit with Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing3240
ABM PCR reagentsG903miRNA cDNA Synthesis Kit with Poly(A) Polymerase Tailing8928
ABM PCR reagentsG277TaqFast DNA Polymerase (PCR)1260
ABM PCR reagentsG278TaqFast DNA Polymerase (PCR)2559.78
ABM PCR reagentsG2802X PCR TaqFast MasterMix2576.16
ABM PCR reagentsG280-dye2X PCR TaqFast MasterMix with dye2559.78
ABM PCR reagentsG281EasyScript Two-Step RT-PCR Kit1989.72
ABM PCR reagentsG282EasyScript Two-Step RT-PCR Kit3309.12
ABM PCR reagentsG283EasyScript Plus Two-Step RT-PCR Kit1854
ABM PCR reagentsG284EasyScript Plus Two-Step RT-PCR Kit3937.68
ABM PCR reagentsG451EasyScript cDNA Synthesis SuperMix1512
ABM PCR reagentsG452EasyScript cDNA Synthesis SuperMix2304
ABM PCR reagentsG453EasyScript Plus cDNA Synthesis SuperMix1638
ABM PCR reagentsG454EasyScript Plus cDNA Synthesis SuperMix3162.6
ABM PCR reagentsG456Bestaq DNA Polymerase (PCR)1706.58
ABM PCR reagentsG457Bestaq DNA Polymerase (PCR)2574
ABM PCR reagentsG460Long-Range DNA Polymerase (PCR)1540.08
ABM PCR reagentsG461Long-Range DNA Polymerase (PCR)2502
ABM PCR reagentsG462Bloodirect DNA Polymerase (PCR)1080
ABM PCR reagentsG463Bloodirect DNA Polymerase (PCR)1476
ABM PCR reagentsG4642X PCR Bestaq MasterMix2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG464-dye2X PCR Bestaq MasterMix with dye2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG465Bloodirect 2X PCR MasterMix2643.12
ABM PCR reagentsG468SafeView Plus2073.6
ABM PCR reagentsG471-iCOne-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-iCycler2574
ABM PCR reagentsG471-LROne-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-Low ROX2574
ABM PCR reagentsG471-ROne-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-ROX2574
ABM PCR reagentsG471-SOne-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-No Dye2574
ABM PCR reagentsG472Safe-Green 2X PCR Taq MasterMix1782
ABM PCR reagentsG475Second Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit-dNTP based6156
ABM PCR reagentsG476Second-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit-dNTP/dUTP based8775.9
ABM PCR reagentsG478Safe-Green 2X PCR Bestaq MasterMix2862
ABM PCR reagentsG4855X All-In-One RT MasterMix1332
ABM PCR reagentsG4865X All-In-One RT MasterMix2010.78
ABM PCR reagentsG488AccuRT Genomic DNA Removal Kit1633.68
ABM PCR reagentsG4905X All-In-One RT MasterMix2622.24
ABM PCR reagentsG491EasyScript cDNA Synthesis Kit (with AccuRT Genomic DNA Removal Kit)2934
ABM PCR reagentsG4925X All-In-One RT MasterMix (with AccuRT Genomic DNA Removal Kit)3288.24
ABM PCR reagentsG493-POne-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-ROX2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG493-PCOne-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-iCycler2574
ABM PCR reagentsG493-PLOne-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-Low ROX2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG493-PSOne-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-No Dye2574
ABM PCR reagentsG495Opti-Seal qPCR and Storage Films3456
ABM PCR reagentsG496Opti-Seal PCR and Storage Films1998
ABM PCR reagentsG497Kodaq 2X PCR MasterMix2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG497-dyeKodaq 2X PCR MasterMix with dye2574
ABM PCR reagentsG499Kodaq DNA Polymerase2574
ABM PCR reagentsG498Kodaq DNA Polymerase1476
ABM PCR reagentsG5905X All-In-One RT MasterMix8074.98
ABM PCR reagentsG9002X PCR Taq MasterMix3853.8
ABM PCR reagentsG900-dye2X PCR Taq MasterMix with dye3312
ABM PCR reagentsG9012X PCR Taq Plus MasterMix5550.3
ABM PCR reagentsG904Total-Transcriptome cDNA Synthesis Kit4162.32
ABM PCR reagentsG905Total-Transcriptome cDNA Synthesis Kit9885.6
ABM PCR reagentsG9062X PCR HotStart MasterMix2574
ABM PCR reagentsG906-dye2X PCR HotStart MasterMix with dye2995.02
ABM PCR reagentsG907Opti-Seal qPCR Semi-skirted plate (Low profile)1332
ABM PCR reagentsG908Opti-Seal qPCR Semi-skirted plate (Standard)1549.98
ABM PCR reagentsG909Opti-Seal qPCR Full-skirted plate (Low profile)1549.98
ABM PCR reagentsG910Opti-Seal qPCR Semi-skirted plate (Low profile)5130
ABM PCR reagentsG911Opti-Seal qPCR Semi-skirted plate (Standard)5130
ABM PCR reagentsG912Opti-Seal qPCR Full-skirted plate (Low profile)5130
ABM PCR reagentsG913Opti-Seal qPCR Roche 480 (Low profile)5969.34
ABM PCR reagentsG914Opti-Seal qPCR Roche 480 (Low profile)1549.98
ABM PCR reagentsG915ExCellenCT Lysis Kit1789.74
ABM PCR reagentsG9165X All-In-One RT MasterMix (with ExCellenCT Lysis Kit)3455.82
ABM PCR reagentsG917-iCExCellenCT One-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-iCycler2862
ABM PCR reagentsG917-LRExCellenCT One-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-Low ROX3330.18
ABM PCR reagentsG917-RExCellenCT One-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-ROX2862
ABM PCR reagentsG917-SExCellenCT One-Step EvaGreen qRT-PCR-No Dye3330.18
ABM PCR reagentsG918-PExCellenCT One-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-ROX2862
ABM PCR reagentsG918-PCExCellenCT One-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-iCycler2862
ABM PCR reagentsG918-PLExCellenCT One-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-Low ROX2862
ABM PCR reagentsG918-PSExCellenCT One-Step TaqProbe qRT-PCR-No Dye3330.18
ABM PCR reagentsG919Opti-Seal qPCR Tubes with Caps (0.1ml Low profile)1854
ABM PCR reagentsG920Opti-Seal qPCR Tubes with Caps (0.1ml Low profile)11645.28
ABM PCR reagentsG921Opti-Seal qPCR Tubes with Caps (0.2ml Standard)1854
ABM PCR reagentsG922Opti-Seal qPCR Tubes with Caps (0.2ml Standard)10008
ABM PCR reagentsG923Plant Ex-Amp PCR Kit (with Kodaq MasterMix)3414.06
ABM PCR reagentsG926SafeView FireRed1466.1
ABM PCR reagentsG927Tissue Ex-Amp PCR Kit (with Kodaq MasterMix)2492.46
ABM PCR reagentsG928RT-PCR Control Template Kit3853.8
ABM PCR reagentsG929qPCR Control Template Kit2827.62
ABM PCR reagentsG930Anti-Taq Antibody2660.04
ABM PCR reagentsG932CRISPR Genomic Cleavage Detection Kit4302
ABM PCR reagentsG934Plant Ex-Amp Extraction Buffer Set2660.04
ABM PCR reagentsG935Opti-Seal qPCR 384 Well Plate1548
ABM PCR reagentsG936Opti-Seal qPCR 384 Well Plate7236
ABM PCR reagentsG937SensTaq Hotstart DNA Polymerase1717.56
ABM PCR reagentsG938SensTaq Hotstart DNA Polymerase2976.12
ABM PCR reagentsG9392X SensTaq HotStart MasterMix2976.12
ABM PCR reagentsG939-Dye2X SensTaq HotStart MasterMix with Dye2976.12
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5CEvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5LEvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix-ROX3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PCTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PLTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PMTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix-Multiplex3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PSTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5REvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-ROX3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5SEvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-ECEvaGreen Express 2X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-ELEvaGreen Express 2X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX2638.98
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-EREvaGreen Express 2X qPCR MasterMix-ROX2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-ESEvaGreen Express 2X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-iCEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-iC-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler6765.12
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-KCKiloGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler2638.98
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-KLKiloGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX2622.24
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-KRKiloGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-ROX2622.24
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-KSKiloGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye2638.98
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-LREvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-LR-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX6765.12
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-mCEvaGreen miRNA qPCR MasterMix-iCycler2996.82
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-mLEvaGreen miRNA qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX2996.82
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-mREvaGreen miRNA qPCR MasterMix-ROX3016.08
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-mSEvaGreen miRNA qPCR MasterMix-No Dye2996.82
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-PTaqProbe 2X qPCR MasterMix-ROX2622.24
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-PCTaqProbe 2X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-PLTaqProbe 2X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX2622.24
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-PMTaqProbe 2X qPCR MasterMix-Multiplex2638.98
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-PSTaqProbe 2X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-REvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-ROX2268
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-R-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-ROX5814
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-SEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye2638.98
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-S-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye5814
ABM PCR reagentsMastermix-5PCTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix- iCycler3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5CEvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5LEvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5REvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-ROX3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-iC-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-iCycler5814
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-LR-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-Low ROX6765.12
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-R-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-ROX5814
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-S-XLEvaGreen 2X qPCR MasterMix-No Dye5814
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix-Rox3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PLTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix- Low Rox3916.62
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5PSTaqProbe 5X qPCR MasterMix- no Dye3366
ABM PCR reagentsMasterMix-5SEvaGreen 5X qPCR MasterMix-no Dye3366


  • 聯(lián)系人:賴(lài)秀麗
  • 地址:無(wú)錫市惠山區惠山大道1699號惠山生命科技園C區5棟5315室
  • 郵箱:46606436@qq.com
  • 傳真:


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